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Florida Red-bellied turtle

1 Species ID Suggestions

NeilDazet 12 years ago
Florida Red-bellied Cooter
Pseudemys nelsoni Florida red-bellied cooter

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Aaron_G 11 years ago

Hi there. Since you know the identity of your organism, please go ahead and fill in the scientific name field. This allows the spotting to fully enter the database and become complete, letting groups and individuals use the data and find your spotting. It also takes the spotting off the "unidentified" list. Thank you!

Here's a great Project Noah blog entry that explains the spotting process:

bandhturtlesite 12 years ago

Yeah I would say from the markings on the carapace and the location that this turtle is likely to be a Red Bellied Turtle.

NeilDazet 12 years ago

Sarah (and Goody), I based my ID suggestion of the Florida Red-bellied turtle on the horizontal red stripes on the shell. Also, there is a Turtles of the Southeast U.S. mission that you can join here if you want ( and then you can edit this spotting to include this turtle in the mission. Neat spotting!

SarahAnderson 12 years ago

Unfortunately I don't. I saw him on the way to work in the middle of a busy parking lot. Took a quick pic then moved him to a safe area. He was very covered with moss and tried snapping at me when I picked him up.

Aaron_G 12 years ago

Hi and welcome to Project Noah, Sarah! Do you happen to have any photos that show this turtle's face or any other features? Someone may be able to ID it from this single image, but there are a lot of turtle species in Florida and this one appears to be covered in quite a bit of algae. Oh, and I have moved this spotting to Reptiles for you. Again, welcome!

Spotted by

Orlando, Florida, USA

Spotted on May 22, 2012
Submitted on May 26, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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