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Annual or "Dog Day" Cicada

Tibicen canicularis


Dog Day cicadas can be found in several color morphs, including green, brown, and a very dark green/brown that's near black. Their size can range from 2.5 to 5 centimeters long. Emerging throughout the summer, males sing to attract mates in a loud buzzing nose


Often in wooded areas with mixed trees (deciduous and coniferous), but can be found in yards with tree selection to their liking, generally east of the Rocky Mountains of the United States.


This specimen is of the green morph, but has just molted from it's nymph stage and still needs to completely dry to show true color.

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1 Comment

mr.kamper321 10 years ago

good color!

Spotted by

Joliet, Illinois, USA

Spotted on Jul 5, 2013
Submitted on Dec 5, 2013

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