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Bactrian Camel

Camelus bactrianus


Large, brown mammal with two humps (one flopped over to the side), a long neck and legs. This one kept yawning allowing us to see its teeth. The last image is of another camel in the same enclosure that was licking the dirt. This camel is critically threatened in the wild.


San Diego Zoo. It's "native to the steppes of central Asia".


"Bactrian camels belong to a fairly small group of animals that regularly eat snow to provide their water needs. Any animals living above the snowline are obliged to do this as snow and ice are the only forms of water during winter, and by doing so their range is greatly enlarged. " - Wikipedia

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:) Oh gosh, I would not want that job on this one!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

He probably thought you are the Dentist.
Great clicks!

San Diego, California, USA

Spotted on Jun 28, 2012
Submitted on Jun 29, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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