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White-tailed deer, yearling buck

Odocoileus virginianus


This buck is a year old and growing his first antlers. He is a real momma's boy and wants to hang out with his mother all the time but she has twin fawns and often chases him away. However, she obviously still cares for him and still sometimes lets him rest with her and grooms him, helping to reach those hard-to-get places. The last photo is a portrait of mother and son.


My backyard


Photos taken on 13 and 20 July 2012

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Maria dB
Maria dB 11 years ago

Thanks, Alice and horseloverprincess. This family is indeed pretty relaxed around me and they visit my yard often, which gives me a great chance to observe them, including the playful fawns and their daily interactions.

horseloverprincess 11 years ago

So great to see them up close

alicelongmartin 11 years ago

I have to echo "Precious" and they seem so relaxed around you!

Maria dB
Maria dB 11 years ago

Thanks, Jacob. I love this deer family and this buck is so endearing.

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 11 years ago


Maria dB
Spotted by
Maria dB

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

Spotted on Jul 13, 2012
Submitted on Jul 20, 2012

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