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Procyon lotor


The raccoon (Procyon lotor) is the most abundant and widespread medium-sized omnivore in the North America. They are found throughout Mexico, Central America, the United States, except at the higher elevations of the Rocky Mountains, and into southern Canada (Kaufmann, 1982). Raccoons measure from 46 to 71 cm with a 20 to 30 cm tail. Body weights vary by location, age, and sex from 3 to 9 kg (Kaufmann, 1982; Sanderson, 1987).


Raccoons are found near virtually every aquatic habitat, particularly in hardwood swamps, mangroves, floodplain forests, and freshwater and saltwater marshes (Kaufmann, 1982). They are also common in suburban residential areas and cultivated and abandoned farmlands (Kaufmann, 1982) and may forage in farmyards (Greenwood, 1982). Stuewer (1943a) stated that a permanent water supply, tree dens, and available food are essential. Raccoons use surface waters for both drinking and foraging (Stuewer, 1943a).


I spotted this raccoon in front of an abandoned factory near my home. It was walking around with its nose to the ground--sniffing--once it looked like it might be eating something. It was dusk and I took the pictures while sitting in my car on the shoulder of the road.

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Westmoreland, Tennessee, USA

Spotted on Jul 19, 2012
Submitted on Jul 19, 2012

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