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Vervet Monkey

Chlorocebus pygerythrus


The vervet monkey can use both their hands and feet to change grip and can hold onto articles. The formation of the hands and feet enable the monkeys to live either on the ground or in trees. They spend a great part of the day on the ground, and their feet are developed in such a way that they can walk for long distances.


Bush camp, Mkhaya game reserve, Swaziland


This close relationship with humans pose a few problems for the species. They are popular for experiments regarding liver, kidney and other organ transplant techniques, cancer research, they are also used in AIDS research, pharmacological, immunological and psychological research and on game farms they are often used for target practice. Keeping vervet monkeys in cages pose a serious threat to these animals because they can't survive in captivity for long without showing signs of serious malfunction.

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Mbabane, Sifundza seHhohho, Swaziland

Spotted on Dec 24, 2011
Submitted on Jan 11, 2014

Spotted for Mission

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