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Plains or Burchell's Zebra

Equus quagga, formerly Equus burchelli


This is one of the sub-species of zebras and has bold stripes. However, no two zebras are exactly alike.


Grasslands of Africa and is found south of Ethiopia all the way south to Botswana and eastern South Africa. Plains zebras generally live in treeless grasslands and savanna woodlands but can be found in a variety of habitats, both tropical and temperate. It relies on rainfall for food and water, and can go on great migrations to follow the rains. The zebras will migrate up to 700 miles (1,100 km) for food. It will mix and migrate with wildebeests. It eats a wide variety of grasses as well as leaves and shoots. Its main predators are lions, hyenas and Nile crocodiles.


This photo was taken while on safari in South Africa in October, 2011

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Letsemeng Local Municipality, Free State, South Africa

Spotted on Jan 12, 2014
Submitted on Jan 12, 2014

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