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Southern Toad

Bufo terrestris


Tiny toad- could fit on a penny, as you can see in the first (very bad and out f focus ) photo . Dark brown, with tiny red bumps . I love toads, but am shamefully uneducated on the identification of most of them!


My front porch after a day of heavy rain . Surround area is residential , with scrubby trees -both pine and the typical Florida scrubby oaks and palmettos. Vacant "wooded" lot next door.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Eastern Spadefoot
Scaphiopus holbrookii

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AshleyT 9 years ago

Please update this with the correct ID that Lisa has provided. It this were a southern toad, it would have both paratoid glands and cranial crests. This has neither, it is a young spadefoot.

MrsPbio 10 years ago

From audubons guide to Florida: " .... Darker brown blotches and rusty warts above .."

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Aug 20, 2012
Submitted on Aug 21, 2012

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