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This is a amazing ladybugs



Srpski: Bubamare ili božje ovčice (lat. Coccinellidae) porodica su kukacaBubamare žive na lišću zelenih biljaka, a u zimi ih često nalazimo u velikom broju ispod suve kore drveća. English: Ladybugs or lady-birds (Lat. Coccinellidae) family are insect Ladybugs live on the leaves of green plants, and in winter they are often found in large numbers under dry bark.


Bubamare žive na lišću zelenih biljaka, a u zimi ih često nalazimo u velikom broju ispod suhe kore drveća. Samo u srednjoj Europi ima ih oko 80 vrsta

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Ivo Andrić Primary School
Spotted by a stud ent at Ivo Andrić Primary School

Београд, Централна Србија, Serbia

Spotted on May 14, 2017
Submitted on May 14, 2017

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