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Cane Toad

Rhinella marina


The skin of the cane toad is dry and warty. It has distinct ridges above the eyes, which run down the snout. Individual cane toads can be grey, yellowish, red-brown or olive-brown, with varying patterns. A large parotoid gland lies behind each eye. The ventral surface is cream-coloured and may have blotches in shades of black or brown. The pupils are horizontal and the irises golden. The toes have a fleshy webbing at their base,and the fingers are free of webbing.


pond (urban area)

1 Species ID Suggestions

Cane Toad
Bufo marinus Cane toad

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Noel Buensuceso
Noel Buensuceso 11 years ago

Thanks kabayan Jolly for the ID!

Noel Buensuceso
Noel Buensuceso 11 years ago

I agree auntnance123... thanks :-)

auntnance123 11 years ago

I would guess this is a toad rather than a frog.

Noel Buensuceso
Spotted by
Noel Buensuceso

Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Spotted on Sep 6, 2012
Submitted on Sep 6, 2012

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