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A blue feather I discovered while running in the woods today. It's approximately 13cm long (including the shaft, which appears to be broken a bit, possibly 1cm is missing from its tip) and 1-1/2cm wide at its widest point.


Woodland (coniferous & deciduous) forest border of mixed residential neighborhood.


I can't discern if it's naturally this color or if this was a craft feather dyed this color of brilliant blue that somebody dropped along the trail.

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JoshuaGSmith 9 years ago

I believe that it is dyed because the calamus is the same color as the vane. Also, it has the general shape of a duck wing feather which is commonly sold in art stores.

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Spotted by

Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Spotted on Jan 23, 2014
Submitted on Jan 23, 2014

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