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Red Bug

Scantius Aegyptius


Tiny little red insects with black markings on their backs. I found them all down our street on the sidewalk; at the end of the street they were everywhere.

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Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

Wow!! Who would have ever thought!

AndrewGarcia 11 years ago

Huh, that's a pretty interesting read; it looks like they are spreading more throughout California as the distribution says it goes as far as Los Angeles County and I live in Ventura County. Thanks for the help

Reza Hashemizadeh
Reza Hashemizadeh 11 years ago

Hey Andrew the pics are so much better now....I think it may be this relatively new species....I am attaching a link to an article in case you want to know more about them :)

AndrewGarcia 11 years ago

Sorry about the small photos, I cropped them a bit for a better close up. They do look exactly like Red Bugs. I have seen a few around my house but never the amount that I saw today.

Reza Hashemizadeh
Reza Hashemizadeh 11 years ago

I am not totally sure because of the small image but this could be a Red Bug / Scantius aegyptius a Mediterranean native and first found in California in 2009.

AndrewGarcia 11 years ago

Yeah, I'll crop them a bit. They weren't under any trees, they were all out in the open all along the sidewalk which is about 7 houses long.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 11 years ago

Do you think you can cut and crop so that we can see a close up? Could be Box Elder bugs or Red Shouldered Bugs. Do you know what kind of tree it was under?

Spotted by

Simi Valley, California, USA

Spotted on Oct 4, 2012
Submitted on Oct 4, 2012

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