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Red Cornsnake

Pantherophis guttatus


The Red Cornsnake (Pantherophis guttatus), corn snake, or red rat snake, is a North American species of rat snake that subdues its small prey by constriction. The name "corn snake" is a holdover from the days when southern farmers stored harvested ears of corn in a wood frame or log building called a crib. Rats and mice came to the corn crib to feed on the corn, and corn snakes came to feed on the rodents.


Wild corn snakes prefer habitats such as overgrown fields, forest openings, trees, palmetto flatwoods and abandoned or seldom-used buildings and farms, from sea level to as high as 6,000 feet. Typically, these snakes remain on the ground until the age of 4 months old but can ascend trees, cliffs and other elevated surfaces. They can be found in the southeastern United States ranging from New Jersey to the Florida Keys and as far west as Texas. In colder regions, snakes hibernate during winter. However, in the more temperate climate along the coast they shelter in rock crevices and logs during cold weather, and come out on warm days to soak up the heat of the sun, a process known as thermoregulation. During cold weather, snakes are less active and therefore hunt less.


Pictures are taken at TerraZoo, Rheinberg, Germany. This small Zoo is specialized in reptiles.

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Benno Ibold
Spotted by
Benno Ibold

Rheinberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany

Spotted on Jan 29, 2014
Submitted on Feb 19, 2014

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