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Blue wildebeest

Connochaetes taurinus


Wildebeest swimming across the Mara River. An awesome spectacle !!!


The blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus), also called the common wildebeest or the white-bearded wildebeest, is a large antelope and one of two species of wildebeest. Males can grow to a 145 cm (57 in) shoulder height and attain a body mass of over 275 kg (610 lb). They range the open plains, bushveld, and dry woodlands of Southern and East Africa, living for more than 20 years. The male is highly territorial, using scent markings and other devices to protect his domain. The largest population is in the Serengeti, numbering over one million animals. They are a major prey item for lions, hyenas, and crocodiles.

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YukoChartraw 11 years ago

Another great series of the blue wild beest!

Seema 11 years ago

the annual migration...have heard a lot about this..

Spotted by

Narok, Kenya

Spotted on Nov 3, 2012
Submitted on Nov 3, 2012

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