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Eastern Tent Caterpillar

Malacosoma americana


Genus: Malacosoma House: ? Eats: Tent caterpillars and gypsy moths eat leaves in the spring. Deciduous trees (trees that lose their leaves each fall) can regrow a new set of leaves by July and can usually withstand 2-3 successive years of defoliation (removal of leaves) without being killed. Eaten by: Bigger bugs and birds


Eastern tent caterpillars may infest the home landscape, making tents in ornamental cherry, plum, and apple trees. Roadside stands of trees might provide suitable wild cherries and crabapples, where dozens of caterpillar tents decorate the forest edge. These early spring caterpillars require the warmth of the sun to heat their bodies, so tents would rarely, if ever, be found in shaded woodland areas.

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Pleasant Plains MIddle School
Spotted by a stud ent at Pleasant Plains MIddle School

Illinois, USA

Spotted on May 1, 2015
Submitted on May 18, 2015

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