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California sea hare

Aplysia californica


The California sea hare also known as the California sea slug, scientific name Aplysia californica, is a species of sea slug, specifically a sea hare, a marine opisthobranch gastropod mollusk in the sea hare family, Aplysiidae. The maximum length recorded for the California sea hare is seventy-five cm (thirty inches) when crawling and thus fully extended, although most adult specimens are half this size or smaller. Adult animals can weight up to 7 Kg. A closely related species, Aplysia vaccaria, the black sea hare, can grow to be larger still. (information from Wikipedia)


This spotting took place at Henry Doorly Zoo.

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Omaha, Nebraska, USA

Spotted on Oct 19, 2012
Submitted on Oct 27, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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