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Leptosia nina georgi


Pieridae; Pierinae; Anthocharini; Leptosia; Leptosia nina georgi Fruhstorfer, 1910. This is a very nervous little butterfly. They can be seen flying erratically, at low level, between small flowering plants and rarely stay on one flower for more than a second or two. I can't understand how they can expend so much energy when they seem to allow themselves so little time to sip some nectar. When I first encountered this species, a few years ago, I could never get any decent photos, but I eventually realised that they move less rapidly (and spend a little longer at each stop) early in the morning, before the sun warms everything up.


Spotted in our front garden early in the morning after a night of heavy rain. it was visiting Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) and sundry other small plants.


Leptosia nina georgi is the ssp. present in the northern Philippines. It does not have the black spot on the forewing mentioned in Wikipedia (that is only on L. nina).

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Palauig, Central Luzon, Philippines

Spotted on Jul 28, 2022
Submitted on Jul 28, 2022

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