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Serrian Tree Frog

Pseudacris sierra


Adults 3/4 in to 2 in long. Large head, large eyes, webbed toes, smooth skin. Markings are usually very clear, color and markings vary from charcoal color to spring green. For a small frog croak is very loud. Sounds like someone clearing their throat of mucus. Female may have call as well.


Shallow ponds during breeding. Tadpoles develops and stay around pond until 4 months after hatching. They then move to drier forests and shaded srubbs. Adults live by small bodies of water in densely shaded oak forests. 1 year olds tend to live closer to their birth pond.


Tough survivors as a species.

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1 Comment

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 11 years ago

retep.awesome, welcome to Project Noah. To agree with a previous spotter who has ID'd someone's organism, please just click beneath the #1 on thier ID. Also, please add your frog here to the Captive Animals mission at

Spotted by

California, USA

Spotted on Aug 17, 2011
Submitted on Nov 20, 2012

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