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Praying Mantis

Statilia sp. nr. maculata


Mantidae; Mantinae; Mantini; Statilia sp. When I was searching for the identification of this mantis, I saw many pictures of Statilia maculata in which looked very similar, but not identical. As far as I could tell, the main difference is in the coloured markiings on the forelegs, but other than that there were no other dissimilarities that I could see, by just looking at the pictures.


This little Mantis was spotted on our back gate, early in the morning.

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John B.
John B. a year ago

Hi thewndrr,
Thank you for your comment.
John B.

thewndrr a year ago

Insects are truly funny, when looking through a human lense :)
I break up in laughter sometimes myself when I'm in the wild and study them, they have for sure individual self, and they seem to act like us when they do something really stupid. I'm sure I'm biased here, but still...after you see an insect crash-land, and then act like nothing happened, because there is a female in the know! xD

John B.
John B. a year ago

Hi Mark, thanks for your comment. I like your idea of shadow puppetry. I almost put in my spotting that it reminded me of an orchestral conductor. John B. :-)

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway a year ago

Doing shadow puppetry. ;-)

John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Spotted on Mar 17, 2022
Submitted on Dec 14, 2022

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