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Oil Birds

Steatornis caripensis)


Oil Birds are the only nocturnal flying fruit eating birds in the world. They forage at night, navigating by echolocation in the same way as bats, but with a high-pitched clicking sound of around 2 kHz that is audible to humans. It is mainly reddish-brown with white spots on the nape and wings. Lower parts are cinnamon-buff spotted with white. The stiff tail feathers are a rich brown spotted with white on either side. The feet are small and almost useless, other than for clinging to vertical surfaces. The long wings make it capable of hovering and twisting flight, which enables it to navigate through restricted areas of its caves.


its a bird found in the northern areas of South America (including the island of Trinidad in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago). They are nocturnal feeders on the fruits of the Oil Palm and tropical laurels.


So as not to disturb these nocturnal birds we werent allowed to use a flash and only the guide was allowed to use a special torch for us to see them in their caves in the middle of the day.

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Debbie Stewart
Spotted by
Debbie Stewart

Trinidad and Tobago

Spotted on Sep 18, 2012
Submitted on Jan 27, 2013

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