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Eastern Pondhawk, female

Erythemis simplicicollis


Medium green skimmer with medium-length slender abdomen.


Just about any body of water - lakes, ponds, slow streams, ditches, canals, with emergent vegetation. Seems to prefer carpets of floating plants. Shuns unvegetated wetlands.


I spotted this beautiful female Eastern Pondhawk in my back yard. Take note to the bottom of her abdomen - it's loaded with parasitic mites. The first and the last image she's wiping her eye with her leg. I have a question about image #3. Maybe it's just the angle, but the forewings seem to be held at a vertical angle, much more than in any of the other photos. Is there an explanation for this?

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Corning, Ohio, USA

Spotted on Jun 7, 2009
Submitted on Dec 17, 2012

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