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Shaggy Mane Mushroom

Coprinus comatus


Decaying. Dome shaped cap is off white with a dark brown rim that is curling up. The bottom of the cap is greyish-brown and the top of the cap is a snowflake shaped marking that is a light brown color that looks like it's peeling. The stem is off white.


backyard under a between a London Plane tree and a Black Walnut tree.

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JanelleL.Streed 11 years ago

Telse-You're lucky! They're such beautiful fungi. I've only found them once, this year down here and the sun was too bright and created burnout on the images. Yours turned out gorgeous! :-)

Telse 11 years ago

Thank you so much Janell. They usually spring up somewhere here.

JanelleL.Streed 11 years ago

We had these in our yard this year as well. You captured them beautifully, Telse!!!

Spotted by

Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Spotted on Apr 10, 2011
Submitted on Dec 15, 2012

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