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Indian Laburnum/Amaltas

Cassia fistula


Like a golden chandelier (or a bunch of yellow grapes) hanging from bare brown branches or against a backdrop of delicate green just-emerging tender leaves...I love this summer-flowering tree and you can see why it is called Golden shower. Often seen in residential colonies lining roads.It has long hanging stick-like seed pods.


Residential colony. By the side of a road.


It is believed Rabindranath Tagore, Poet laureate of India gave it the name Amaltas but I am not so sure about that. Purging Cassia is easy to understand since the blackish pulp of the seedpod is used as a mild laxative. The long stick-like seedpods give it the name Bandar (monkey)-Lathi (stick) ...not sure again whether it means monkeys use it as a stick or these are sticks to beat monkeys with!! India has a postal stamp on this tree. Wilipedia says It is both the national tree and national flower of Thailand. It is the state flower of Kerala in India.

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SukanyaDatta 5 years ago

Thank you,Tukup....the green- yellow contrast is striking. Perhaps you won't believe it but green ...I mean the greenery of leaves....that's really lovely against a monsoon cloud laden sky .
@Neil..thanks..never seen Australian wattle in real life but the yellow is equally vivid...totally agree.

Tukup 5 years ago

Great spotting Sukanya. Yellow really stands out against a background of solid green. Thanks.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 5 years ago

There's nothing posh about wattle, but it is beautiful... and this is the same vivid yellow. There's a quote but I forget who said it, about when we pick a flower, it dies and ceases to be what we loved. Admire from afar is a better option for the flower at least. Take photos, leave footprints.....

SukanyaDatta 5 years ago

Thanks Neil, totally agree...chandelier is so much posh-er!! But I suppose yellow grapes (if they exist) will be pretty exotic...seen only green and purple ones and large pink ones. This flower doesn't stay fresh when brought home. So I always admire it on the tree. From far like your Yellow Wattles, no?

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 5 years ago

A golden chandelier sounds so much more posh than a bunch of yellow grapes. But it doesn't matter because it looks gorgeous! A beautiful spotting, Sukanya, and I like the monkey stick story :)

Spotted by

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Spotted on Apr 22, 2019
Submitted on May 6, 2019

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