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Nephila Spider

Nephila pilipes


Nephila pilipes is a species of golden orb-web spider. Females are large and grow to a body size of 30–50 mm (overall size up to 20 cm), with males growing to 5–6 mm. It is one of the biggest spiders in the world. The Nephila pilipes' web is vertical with a fine irregular mesh and not symmetrical, with the hub is usually nearer the top. Rather than egg sacks being hung in the web, a pit is dug which is then covered with plant debris or soil.


It is commonly found in primary and secondary forests and gardens.


Taken with Olympus XZ-1


Ronald Lo
Ronald Lo 11 years ago

Jakubko thanks very much for the ID... already confirmed the ID and changed the info for it. Thanks again! :)

Jolly Ibañez
Jolly Ibañez 11 years ago

Looks like a positive ID Ronald.

Jacob Gorneau
Jacob Gorneau 11 years ago

Please confirm the ID. I've only seen Nephila pilipes with the "yellow" knees. I hope this helps, Ronald.

Jolly Ibañez
Jolly Ibañez 11 years ago

Ok. Understandable.

Ronald Lo
Ronald Lo 11 years ago

Sorry Jolly, it was a fence behind it... and i was working actually... i'm a tourist guide so i don't really have much luxury taking pictures as i need to handle clients... unfortunately the spider was gone by the 3rd day...

Jolly Ibañez
Jolly Ibañez 11 years ago

Nice spotting. It would be nice if you could picture the other side of this spider for faster identification

Ronald Lo
Ronald Lo 11 years ago

Thanks karen for the comment. :-)

MrsPbio 11 years ago

Impressive spider! Love the colors .

Ronald Lo
Spotted by
Ronald Lo


Spotted on Dec 28, 2012
Submitted on Dec 28, 2012

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