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Masked Treefrog

Smilisca phaeota


These moderately big frogs (40-78 mm adult's size) are mainly active throughtout the rainy season and during ocassional dry season downpours. They are recognized by their facial pattern: they have a dark band that goes across the face from the snout to behind of the eardrum. They often change their coloration from day to night, and it varies from light green to dark brown; they can also show darker blotches on their backs. During the mating season, calling males can be easily found in small ponds, rain pools, or vegetation.


They are common in disturbed areas and forest edges, and range along the Caribbean coast of Central America from Honduras to Colombia, and from Costa Rica to Ecuador on the Pacific coast.


Just a personal note, this is my favorite Costa Rican frog.

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1 Comment

Maria dB
Maria dB 11 years ago

Great shot!

Spotted by

Cartago, Costa Rica

Spotted on Jun 7, 2012
Submitted on Jan 26, 2013

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