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Sweetish Columner Aspen

Populus Tremula Erecta


The Populus Tremula Erecta, is commonly known as the Sweetish Columnar Aspen. Round leaves with several points around the edges. The tree itself grows tall and narrow, this one in particular being approximately 4.25 meters tall and 1 meter wide. Some leaves have insect bytes in them and most of the tree is oddly colored.


This tree is planted in the botanical gardens at Olds College. The bed it is planted in is covered with mulch and the tree gets good sunlight.


The tree has odd leaf discoloration, holes in the leaves as well as some leaves that are rolled up. This may indicate that there is a pest living in the tree and possibly a disease infecting it. Inside the rolled leaves there are small spider webs/cocoons. The spiders may have decided to nest here to pray on the pests that are eating the trees leaves.

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Alberta, Canada

Spotted on Oct 4, 2017
Submitted on Oct 4, 2017

Spotted for Mission

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