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Eastern Fox Squirrel

Sciurus niger


The squirrel's total body length measures 45 to 70 cm (17.7 to 27.6 in), tail length is 20 to 33 cm (7.9 to 13.0 in), and they range in weight from 500 to 1,000 grams (1.1 to 2.2 lb). There is no sexual dimorphism in size or appearance. Individuals tend to be smaller in the west. There are three distinct geographical phases in coloration: in most areas the animals are brown-grey to brown-yellow, while in eastern regions such as the Appalachians there are more strikingly-patterned dark brown and black squirrels with white bands on the face and tail.


Eastern fox squirrels are most abundant in open forest stands with little understory vegetation; they are not found in stands with dense undergrowth. Ideal habitat is small stands of large trees interspersed with agricultural land. The size and spacing of pines and oaks are among the important features of eastern fox squirrel habitat. This wild specimen was photographed at Brookgreen Gardens in Murrells Inlet, SC.


It is the largest species of tree squirrel native to North America.

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1 Comment

Maria dB
Maria dB 11 years ago

Nice one!

Spotted by

South Carolina, USA

Spotted on Oct 15, 2010
Submitted on Jan 26, 2013

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