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A spring-flowering bulb, Narcissus is the name of a genus which includes flower bulbs like Daffodils, Jonquils, Paper whites and so forth. Narcissi (plural form of Narcissus) are easily grown from bulbs. Narcissus flowers are usually white or yellow and are characterized by a narrow, tubular base (hypanthium), three petals and three petal-like sepals (the perianth), and a central cup-like appendage (the corona, cup, or crown) that may be of contrasting color.


Wildlife habitat yard on Belton Lake.


Scientists have discovered narciclasine, a natural compound found in daffodil bulbs, may be therapeutic in treating brain cancer. Daffodils contain a toxic sap which is harmful to other flowers. When arranging in a vase don’t mix with other flowers unless the daffodils have been soaking in water for 24 hours. Do not recut the stems as it will re-release the toxin. The ancient Romans cultivated them extensively, though daffodils became a forgotten flower till 1600. Sometime around 1629, a few Englishmen took the daffodil out of the weeds and gave it a place in the garden.

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Texas, USA

Spotted on Feb 11, 2013
Submitted on Feb 18, 2013

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