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Common Long-horn Beetle

Hoplocerambyx spinicornis


A Longicorn beetle species with one of the longest antennae in Borneo. Probably Lamiinae species. It's body length is approximately 50mm. The length from one end of an antenna to another antenna's end are more than twice it's body length. The beetles thorax is rough. It's black eyes are modified such a way that it's antennas are in the middle of their eyes. It's head is armed with a pair of strong mandibles.


Spotted in Taman Semarak area, Tawau, Sabah.


>>>Map accuracy : 250m diameter. Same species as Special thanks to MichaelGeiser for the ID.

1 Species ID Suggestions

long-horn beetle
Hoplocerambyx sp. Species

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1 Comment

Baron Bodissey
Baron Bodissey 11 years ago

It is a cerambycine, probably of the tribe Cerambycini.

Spotted by

Tawau, Malaysia

Spotted on Mar 12, 2010
Submitted on Feb 9, 2013

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