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Skull found on the Washington State, USA shoreline. Near the city "Forks."


Two additional photos are available. I need a way to add them to this spotting.

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lightworkerpeace 10 years ago

Thank you for your feedback, Emily! I'll keep an open eye for other skull remains and post them!

EmilyMarino 10 years ago

I did a little more research and this could be the partial skull of a California sea lion. This was probably a sub adult or a female! If you got back to the spot you found this partial skull and walk the high water line for a mile or so in either direction you may find other bones or complete skulls! Thanks for sharing your beach find!

EmilyMarino 10 years ago

I believe this is a pinniped of some kind. I think it is a sea lion but not sure which specie. I'll do a little more research! Cool find!

lightworkerpeace 10 years ago

Thank you, Cindy! Added!

This would be a great addition to the Identiflying Animals Through Osteology mission:

lightworkerpeace 10 years ago

Any guesses?

lightworkerpeace 10 years ago

Hi Daniele! Thank you for the tip! I wish we could add even more photos!

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Hi lightworkerpeace! As there is an upload limit of 6 pictures per spotting, what you can do with your 2 extra shots is create a composite image with them and one of the pictures in this series, then remove this picture and add the composite as the 6th picture.

Spotted by

Forks, Washington, USA

Spotted on Feb 27, 2014
Submitted on Mar 1, 2014

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