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Five-lined Skink


Brown/Olive brown with bright orange head


Northwest River Park in Virginia


You can see clearly one tick behind his left arm, and another one behind his left leg

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KylieBannon 8 years ago

Oh ! I see thank you !

AshleyT 8 years ago

This is either a five-lined skink (Plestiodon fasciatus) or southeastern five-lined skink (Plestiodon inexpectatus). You can tell this isn't a broadhead skink by zooming in and counting the number of upper labial scales. But from these photos, you cannot tell which of the two five-lined skinks it is, so leaving it at genus level is best. Here is a link with a diagram showing where the upper labial scales are so you can count them for yourself,

Spotted by

Chesapeake City, Virginia, USA

Spotted on May 9, 2015
Submitted on Aug 13, 2015

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