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Orange-crowned Warbler

Oreothlypis celata


Small warbler with olive-green upperparts and faintly streaked, yellow underparts. The head has inconspicuous orange crown, broken eye-ring, and faint eye-line. Though it lives and nests in dense foliage close to the ground, the male perches at the tops of tall trees to sing.


Wildlife habitat yard on Lake Lewisville.

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joanbstanley 11 years ago

I believe the suet in the feeder was the High Energy. But they also seem to like the Woodpecker and the Peanut, in that order.

MrsPbio 11 years ago

Call me ignorant if you must, but I've never seen a warbler at a suet feeder before. What type were you using- a berry mix, or one of those "designer" suet? I have warblers year round here in Florida, and would love to get them a bit closer to my feeding station someday .

Spotted by

Denton, Texas, USA

Spotted on Feb 15, 2013
Submitted on Feb 20, 2013

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