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Shoestring Fern

Vittaria ensiformis


This is a small plant that is not very wide, tall, or long. It is growing near other plants that are different species but are similar. It is growing in a place which does not receive much sunlight, on the side of the hill. The leaf shape is lanceolate. A leaf is generally 13 cm long, and 4 cm in width.


It was growing in a place that does not receive much sunlight. It was growing on the side of a hill, in a secondary rainforest.



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1 Comment

kfox 11 years ago

This is a great description. I like how your pictures are clear and show the leaves and the general appearance of the plant. Keep up the good work!

Singapore American School
Spotted by a stud ent at Singapore American School

Singapore, Singapore

Spotted on Feb 28, 2013
Submitted on Feb 28, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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