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Bald Eagle (Juvenile)

Haliaeetus leucocephalus


Beak tip black fading to yellow at base. Eyes brown. Bright yellow legs and some serious talons! Chest and wings a mottling of brown and white. Based on size I'm guessing it is a female but not sure (seems larger than an adult bald eagle I've seen in the area).


Western end of Santa Rosa Island, Florida which has an area of of pine and live oak trees as well as yaupon and other smaller brush. She came from the Gulf of Mexico and landed on an old telephone pole in a marshy area. She seemed to just be surveying the area at first.


I followed her from my car and parked near by. I took the first picture and then looked for a way to get closer. I heard a lot of screeching and quickly brought up my camera and got the second shot with the osprey. The osprey made one pass and flew off but the eagle continued to express her displeasure. I managed to get a bit closer before she flew off.

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Florida, USA

Spotted on Apr 25, 2019
Submitted on May 7, 2019

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