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Sand lizardfish

Synodus dermatogenys


Ocean Freedom, Vlasoff. Think of one of those human statue buskers, give it a mouth that can fit around your whole body and then put some teeth on its tongue to help it hook onto its prey and then you will have a fair image of the sand lizardfish. •These fish however, make easy targets and are eaten by dolphins. Dolphins that put a basket sponge on their nose before they attack so they don't hurt their nose when they ram it into the sand.

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KimLomman 11 years ago

Please consider adding this to the mission Wildlife of North Queensland -

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 11 years ago

Great description CT.

Spotted by

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Feb 26, 2013
Submitted on Feb 26, 2013

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