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Simpoh Air

dillenia suffruticosa


This is a plant my partner and I found. It has flowers and fruit. Before the fruit is ripe, it is in the shape of a sphere with an outer color of green and red. It turns into the picture above with seeds inside. It is hard with waxy petals, and the fruit is from 2 centimeters squared to 4 centimeters squared. The leaf's shape is oblong/obovate, and the leaf margins are serrate. It is about 28 cm long, and 15.5 cm wide. The leaf venation is netted pinnate, with a leaf arrangement that is whorled. The leaf felt smooth and waxy, and the stem was peelable and smooth. The root system is prop/stilt roots, but very small.


A secondary rainforest underneath the shade of a bigger tree by a path.


The leaves of this plant were used to wrap food. Birds and monkeys like to eat the fruit. This used to be known as 'wormia suffruticosa' (scientific name). It can grow up to 7 meters tall. The simpoh air is a pioneering species and can live up from 50-75 years.

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1 Comment

pahels1 11 years ago

Caitlin and I saw the same plant! But we didn't figure out what it was either...

Singapore American School
Spotted by a stud ent at Singapore American School

Singapore, Singapore

Spotted on Feb 27, 2013
Submitted on Mar 6, 2013

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