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Yellow Trout Lily

Erythronium americanum


Trout lilies close their flowers every night and open them to the sun the next day. The last photo shows some early morning and by mid afternoon they had revealed all their glory. They posses an edible root, but you should not dig up these beauties. The exception being, if you come across a large stand with few flowers, then a little thinning will allow the remaining plants to flower.


Mixed woods

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chesterbperry 11 years ago

Kunzah, few places have them in such abundance, than the southeast in the spring. :)

ShashankSrivastava 11 years ago

beautiful...! see my lilies too.!

mauna Kunzah
mauna Kunzah 11 years ago

Chester, you're spotting a lot of pretty flowers lately!

Spotted by

Georgia, USA

Spotted on Mar 15, 2013
Submitted on Mar 18, 2013

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