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Juvenile Groundhogs

Marmota monax


Family: Sciuridae. Subfamily: Marmota. A large rodent also called a Woodchuck belonging to the family of large ground squirrels called marmots. Average Length: 40-65 cm (16-26 inches). Weight: 2-4 kg (4-9 lbs.) Although up to 40 pounds is possible. Eats large amounts of leaves, grasses and especially alfalfa. Two coats of fur. In the wild, groundhogs an live up to 6 years.


Meadow and open woods. Lives in holes in the ground by my house.


3 baby groundhogs pictured. Very cute. But I was being careful because the mother ran in front of me first.

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Carol Snow Milne
Spotted by
Carol Snow Milne

Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Jun 14, 2012
Submitted on Mar 25, 2013

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