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Red-winged Blackbird

Agelaius phoeniceus


Males are all black with red shoulder patches and yellow wing bars. The calls of the Red-winged Blackbird are a throaty check and a high slurred whistle, terrr-eeee. The male's song, accompanied by a display of his red shoulder patches, is a scratchy oak-a-lee.


Ponds and marshes, this one was spotted in a tall bush next to a small pond with cattails.


Skating towards where I heard the Red-wing from the other day, I finally saw one sitting in a bush. He let me approach him to get a picture of him singing his song. He was a very nice find and a definite sign that spring has begun.

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Brookhaven, Pennsylvania, USA

Spotted on Mar 29, 2013
Submitted on Mar 29, 2013

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