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Woodland Park Zoo - Seattle - πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Species ID Suggestions

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Sergio Monteiro
Sergio Monteiro 11 years ago

Omar, welcome to Project Noah. You have great photos here, congratulations. But there are two things you must be awere of: first, you photographed two different species, so you should separate them into two different spottings; and second, in the "Common name" box you should write exactly that, the name for which an animal or plant is commonly known, and in the "Scientific name" the latin name of the genus and species portraied. The info you placed in the "Common name" box should go in the "Notes" section. If you don't know the common name of these birds check the "Help me ID this species" box. Please, edit this spotting as I told you. For more info, please refer to the "FAQ" section. Thank you.

Washington, USA

Spotted on Mar 24, 2013
Submitted on Apr 3, 2013

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