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Garlic Mustard / Češnjača

Alliaria officinalis


It is usually a biennial species, but will occasionally grow to maturity in one year. Garlic Mustard bolts upward and blooms very early in the spring. Plants can be easily recognized by a garlic odor that is present when any part of the plant is crushed.


In its native Europe, Alliaria petiolata is an edge species, growing in hedges and fencerows.


It is edible raw or cooked like a vegetable green. A fairly decent pesto can be made from the leaves. Garlic Mustard was originally brought to North America as a food plant! Other names: lučac

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Ursula 11 years ago

nice! will have to find this one and try it myself as well! :)

injica 11 years ago

It is pretty interesting, it is not so intense like garlic and it vanishes immediately so you don't smell for the next few h as you are something ;) perfect for salads or sandwiches :)

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 11 years ago

interesting -sounds like the flavours I like !

injica 11 years ago

Yes (!) and tastes nice too :) I think I have made lots of spotting for your mission :) One day will have to cook some of that ;)

Ursula 11 years ago

this is how garlic mustard looks like! :) nice!

Spotted by

Zagreb, Croatia

Spotted on Apr 14, 2013
Submitted on Apr 14, 2013

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Garlic Mustard Alliaria petiolata Garlic Mustard Garlic mustard

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