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Coccinellidae sp.


19 spots, I think. The painted face will help with ID. (Harmonia axyridis?) The ladybug's striking red color and spotted pattern enable predators to identify it. Ladybugs' natural defense is that they taste awful. Potential predators will avoid eating such unpleasant prey.


Emory campus. Found at base of tree where there were many ladybugs and their eggs.


Will refine scientific ID later. Unless someone wants to do it for me... ;) I've seen the bad taste defense prove effective. My cat ate a ladybug (he'll eat anything) and immediately started spitting and spluttering to get the taste out of his mouth. I finally felt bad for him and gave him some peanut butter to help! Now even that little pig keeps ladybugs off the menu.

1 Species ID Suggestions

Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
Harmonia axyridis Harmonia axyridis

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Mandy Hollman
Spotted by
Mandy Hollman

Georgia, USA

Spotted on Apr 22, 2013
Submitted on Apr 22, 2013

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