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Old Plainsman / Wooly-white

Hymenopappus scabiosaeus


Stems: Stiffly erect, solitary or occasionally clustered, branched above, angled, ribbed, nearly glabrous below, usually woolly above. Leaves: Occur in basal rosettes and alternate on stems, stalked, 2-6 inches long and 1/2 to 3 inches wide, pinnately divided 1-2 times; segments linear, green and glabrous above, white-woolly beneath; tips pointed; upper leaves reduced, less divided, nearly sessile. Inflorescences: Cymes, panicle-like, flat-topped to rounded, terminal; heads 40-100, hemispheric, about 1/2 inch wide; bracts 6-14, petal-like, tips yellowish white to greenish white. Flowers: Ray florets absent; disk florets 20-60, corollas white to cream.


Small clearing along a path through wooded area near Lewisville Lake.

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Texas, USA

Spotted on May 8, 2013
Submitted on May 13, 2013

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