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The sea heart

Entada phaseoloides


The sea heart is the seed from a giant bean pod. A seed that has travelled all over the oceans carrying the life of a tropical vine but also the hearts of men and women. It is said that it was a sea heart that inspired Columbus to search for lands to the west. They were good luck charms for sailors embarking on a long ocean voyage, an amulet to protect the owner from sickness and to ward off evil spirits A present to give to one you love Napoleon had one They can make soap, make you shit, save you from a snake bite, you can use them to make a love potion and they will act as a contraceptive at the same time. If you rub them they will warm up like a living heart and if you let them they will make your inspiration burn. Normanby Island, Frankland Islands, Green Island

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1 Comment

Gerardo Aizpuru
Gerardo Aizpuru 11 years ago

Cool spot i have find them in México, Thailand, Malaysia is, incredible how far they can travel in the ocean.

Spotted by

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on May 4, 2013
Submitted on May 4, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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