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Laurentian Tiger Beetle or Green Claybank Tiger Beetle

Species Cicindela denikei - Laurentian Tiger Beetle Species Cicindela denverensis - Green Claybank Tiger Beetle


Bright iridescent green ~3/4" long


On the banks of and near creek. Damp areas


The picture does not show the intensity of the green, but I chased the bug a while trying a better picture but to no avail. Thanks to everyone for the input based on the colors it matches is the: Species Cicindela denikei - Laurentian Tiger Beetle but I wont object if you feel it is the: Species Cicindela denverensis - Green Claybank Tiger Beetle

1 Species ID Suggestions

hope.martin 11 years ago
Green Tiger Beetle
Cicindela campestris Cicindela campestris

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LivanEscudero 11 years ago

Looks like a Common Tiger Beetle of some kind. Cicindela sp.
Would need closer details to tell which one as there are a few iridescent green ones. See through here and see if you have an idea.

hope.martin 11 years ago

Or maybe Cicindela sexguttata (Six spotted tiger beetle)...?

Spotted by

North Richland Hills, Texas, USA

Spotted on Apr 22, 2013
Submitted on May 5, 2013

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