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wild turkey

Meleagris gallopavo


When I saw it from a distance I thought it was a buzzard or a colorless turkey; however, as I began to wait for it to walk closer to me, it began to look more and more like a straight-up, giant, black chicken without any red flubber on its beak. The moment it noticed me it made a really loud, obnoxious noise, and it started running. At that moment, I began to drive after it for pictures. It ran in SUCH a hilarious manner. It ran just like a chicken, running for its life. Only it didn't flap its wings but it darted into a forest opening and started running deep into the forest.


Forests, in the opening. Not too deep inside.


They are hilarious, little creatures. ( ^ω^ )

1 Species ID Suggestions

wild turkey
meleagris gallopavo

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jamiewgoodspeed 11 years ago

never hurting them, i never in any way sneak up on them.

it also depends on the bird if it is used to people they tend to be much more friendly.

beachbum732 11 years ago

Why would you chase this bird?

If you approach wildlife and they begin to retreat or become vocal, they are likely feeling threatened.

You should keep a distance that does not disturb them.

Cjagentdave 11 years ago

Blurry and cool

jamiewgoodspeed 11 years ago

i love chasing them they are soo funny.

Spotted by

Daytona Beach, Florida, USA

Spotted on May 22, 2013
Submitted on May 23, 2013

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