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Beatrix Potter (author of Peter Rabbit) first correctly described lichens as a symbiotic relationship between fungi and algae. "With drawings she made from her observations of lichen, Potter believed she had evidence that the organism consisted of a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner, algae. In her zeal to find out the truth for herself, she cultivated both the algal cells and the fungal spores in her kitchen. Her observations of how the two partners joined to form one organism placed her in a small group of believers, including Simon Schwendener, a Swiss botanist, and Anton de Bary, an accomplished botanist who wrote an early textbook dealing with fungal biology. However, this symbiosis theory of lichen was unpopular in England at the time, and many scientists failed to take Potter seriously."

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1 Comment

gatorfellows 11 years ago

Hi Ava-T; I found a Lichen Mission where I put my spottings. It has the fungus (mushroom) icon

Ava T-B
Spotted by
Ava T-B

Bourn, Massachusetts, USA

Spotted on May 10, 2013
Submitted on May 27, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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