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Potter Wasp

Eumenes fraternus


A black wasp-like insect?


The wasp-like species was observed at County nature Preserve work/maintenance area. It flew in and landed on the fender of a four-wheel ATV. It had in its clutches the green worm. It stayed only momentarily and then flew off. It then proceeded to fly around the area as though looking for a place to land permanently. It finally disappeared.

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Ric3 10 years ago

In looking at the sources, I agree w/ the E. fraternus. Thank you for the help.

drP 10 years ago


bayucca 10 years ago

Looking at the stripes I think it is Eumenes fraternus. Definitely a caterpillar that cannot read...

drP 10 years ago

Looking it up, it might be Eumenes fraternus, a potter wasp. It also looks rather like something from genus Zethus. According to BugGuide, E. fraternus is known to feed caterpillars, especially cankerworms (which that green guy might be) to their larvae. See what you think.
E. fraternus:
Z. spinipes:

drP 10 years ago

There are wasps that will capture caterpillars to feed to larvae. It's possible that's what this one was doing.

Spotted by

Florida, USA

Spotted on Jun 9, 2013
Submitted on Jun 13, 2013

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