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Common Snapping Turtle

Chelydra serpentina


The common snapping turtle is Minnesota's largest turtle. The largest known Minnesota snapping turtle weighed 65 lbs. The upper shell is variably colored from green to brown to black, and often has moss covering it. The back edge of the upper shell is strongly toothed. The lower shell is considerably reduced in size relative to the upper shell. They have a long tail that is covered with bony plates. They also have a large head, long neck, and a sharp, hooked upper jaw.


Common snapping turtles occur in virtually all aquatic habitats through Minnesota, but prefer slow-moving, quiet waters with muddy bottoms and dense vegetation.


I found this snapping turtle along the west edge of Pine Lake near the small marsh area. It appeared to be about 3 lbs. and had moss on the upper shell.

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Tamarac Connie
Spotted by
Tamarac Connie

Minnesota, USA

Spotted on Jul 2, 2013
Submitted on Jul 2, 2013

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