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Norway Maple


A purplish black maple leaf with dark red veins. Leaf is smooth to the touch.

2 Species ID Suggestions

MrsPbio 10 years ago
Norway Maple- ("Crimson King" cultivar?)
Aced platanoides
MrsPbio 10 years ago
Norway Maple ("Crimson King" cultivar?)
Acer platanoides

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cbet-camper4 10 years ago

Is this a completely dried out maple leaf?

MrsPbio 10 years ago

GOT IT! A Norway Maple, a cultivar. It's an aggressive invasive alien species. Common now in the US, especially in the NE. Looks similar to a Sugar Maple, but it is wider than it is high- the Sugar Maple is nearly "square"- equal in height and width. Norways also have a milky sticky sap which oozes from the base of the stem when you pick a leaf in either late spring or summer.

MrsPbio 10 years ago

Nuts. Book is at my work. AAAAUGH . I'm going to look it up! BRB....

MrsPbio 10 years ago

Ooooh. I know what this is.... What is it?!? Getting my book... I know I know..... Grrr...

Spotted by a stud ent at

New York, USA

Spotted on Jul 9, 2013
Submitted on Jul 9, 2013

Spotted for Mission

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